Solid Explorer File Manager

Solid Explorer File Manager

v2.8.44 by NeatBytes

Solid Explorer Mod apk stands out with its dual-pane layout, robust AES encryption, seamless cloud and NAS integration, detailed storage analysis, and extensive customization options.

Android Android 5.0Productivity
5 ( 349 ratings )
Price: $0
Name Solid Explorer File Manager
Publisher NeatBytes
Genre Productivity
Size 34.86 MB
Version 2.8.44
Update May 28, 2024
MOD Premium
Get it On Google Play
Solid Explorer File Manager is the most famous version in the Solid Explorer File Manager series of publisher NeatBytes
Mod Version 2.8.44
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Premium Unlocked

Solid Explorer File Manager is a comprehensive and versatile file management app designed to streamline the organization, security, and accessibility of files across various storage mediums. Inspired by traditional file commander applications, it offers a dual-pane layout for efficient file handling, advanced AES encryption for secure file protection, and seamless integration with major cloud storage services and network-attached storage (NAS). The app also features tools for detailed storage analysis, indexed search with filters, and extensive customization options, making it an all-in-one solution for both casual and advanced users looking to manage their digital files effectively and securely. Moreover, users can take advantages of Solid Explorer MOD APK version in this article, which allows you to access all the Premium features and use them without ads. See its highlights below!

A revolutionizing solution for file management

Solid Explorer Premium APK is a highly versatile and efficient file management app inspired by traditional file commander applications. Designed to cater to both novice and advanced users, this app provides a comprehensive suite of features aimed at enhancing file organization, security, and accessibility across various storage mediums. From its intuitive dual-pane layout to its robust encryption capabilities, Solid Explorer stands out as a premier choice for those seeking to streamline their file management experience.

Dual-pane layout and comprehensive file management

One of the standout features of Solid Explorer is its dual-pane layout, which significantly simplifies file management tasks. This layout allows users to view and manage files side-by-side, making it effortless to transfer, delete, move, rename, or share files between different directories. The app automatically organizes files into collections such as Downloads, Recent, Photos, Videos, Music, Documents, and Apps, providing a clear and organized view of all stored data. The inclusion of an indexed search function with filters further enhances the user experience, allowing for quick and precise file retrieval.

Advanced security with strong encryption

Solid Explorer places a strong emphasis on security, offering advanced encryption options to protect sensitive files. Users can encrypt files with AES encryption and store them in secure folders that require a password or fingerprint confirmation to access. This ensures that even if Solid Explorer is uninstalled, the encrypted files remain secure and inaccessible to other applications. This robust security feature is particularly beneficial for users who handle confidential information on their devices.

Cloud and NAS integration

Another notable feature of Solid Explorer is its seamless integration with cloud storage services and network-attached storage (NAS). The app supports major cloud providers such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, Box, OwnCloud, SugarSync, MediaFire, Yandex, and Mega, as well as various network protocols including FTP, SFTP, SMB, and WebDAV. This wide-ranging support enables users to manage multiple remote file locations from a single interface, making it easy to transfer files between different cloud services or servers with a simple drag-and-drop action.

Storage analysis and remote file organization

While Solid Explorer does not include a dedicated storage analyzer, it provides users with detailed information about file storage through folder properties. This feature allows users to identify which files and folders occupy the most space, facilitating efficient storage management. Additionally, the app’s capability to handle files on remote servers and cloud services ensures that users can organize their digital workspace comprehensively, regardless of the storage medium.

Customization and additional features

Solid Explorer also offers extensive customization options, including themes and icon sets, allowing users to personalize the app’s appearance to their preference. The app supports various archive formats such as ZIP, 7ZIP, RAR, and TAR, and includes tools for batch renaming files with naming patterns. For rooted devices, Solid Explorer provides a root explorer function, enabling users to browse and manage system files. The inclusion of an internal image viewer, music player, and text editor enhances the overall user experience, making file browsing and management more convenient.

In summary, Solid Explorer File Manager excels in providing a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for managing files across multiple storage platforms. Its dual-pane layout, robust security features, extensive cloud and NAS support, and detailed storage analysis tools make it an indispensable tool for both casual and power users. By combining functionality with a high degree of customization, Solid Explorer ensures that users can manage their digital files efficiently and securely. For anyone looking to enhance their file management capabilities, Solid Explorer File Manager is a must-have app that delivers on all fronts. Download Solid Explorer today and experience a new level of control over your files.



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Solid Explorer File Manager MOD APK v2.8.44 [Premium Unlocked]

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You are now ready to download Solid Explorer File Manager for free. Here are some notes:

A, How to install?
  1. Download the “.apk” file from APKLITE
  2. Open the downloaded “.apk” file.
  3. In the box that appears, select “Install”.
  4. If asked to activate an unknown source, agree.
B, To check the CPU and GPU of Android device, please use CPU-Z app

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